
s o m a t o p o l o g i e s / Constant_V 04/07-16/09 2018, Brussels

Para la edición veraniega de Constant_V, Possible Bodies feat. Spec presenta Somatopologías, un set de materiales para una película-en-proceso. En la vitrina encontrarás renderings-3D de densidades diversas, preguntándose por los regímenes de verdad que convergen en las imágenes biomédicas volumétricas. Aquí, una coalición entre la tomografía y la topología está operativa para alinear matemáticas, carne, computación, hueso, ciencia anatómica, tejido y lenguaje. Pero cuando la vida se hace demasiado probable, Possible Bodies pregunta oblicuamente: ¿qué otros 'cuerpos' pueden ser imaginados?

gráfica/impresión riso en colaboración con Speculoos: https://speculoos.com/en/
+ info Constant_V: http://constantvzw.org/site/-Constant_V,196-.html


Orgy Mathematics / The Futch

una colaboración plástica-textual con la artista Mariana Echeverri como contribución al catálogo de la exposición "The Futch" (comisariada por Neme Arranz y Marta Echaves en la Sala de Arte Joven de Madrid, 2018)

más sobre la expo: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/thefutch/
más sobre el trabajo de Mariana: http://mecheverri.com/


How to relate? / Berlin, 5-6-7.07.2018

Annual Conference of the DFG Research Training Group “Knowledge in the Arts"

How to Relate: Appropriation, Mediation, Figuration
5–7 July, 2018
Medienhaus (Aula & Galerie), Universität der Künste Berlin
Grunewaldstr. 2–5, 10823 Berlin

How to relate? To each other, to something? Questions
about relations are relevant for a knowledge in the
arts. For just which knowledge can be produced depends
on the success or failure of relations: Knowledge is
implicated in power relations in institutional, social, and
technological infrastructure; it is formed in colliding
demands of hegemony and emancipation; it is created in
the momentum of things and materials.

With appropriation, mediation, and figuration, the conference
will discuss three epistemic ways of relating and the promises
and ambivalences that are bound up with each of them.

The appropriation of knowledge and skills is a foundational form
for carrying out all learning and research, and yet the concept
implies a possible appropriation of cognitive, aesthetic, or
cultural capital. Mediation enables participation in knowledge,
and yet its form—whether in an exhibition space, on the stage,
or in transmission by media—has an effect on the mediated
meaning. And the concept of figuration brings an understanding
of knowledge in the arts as a relational process, as an embodiment in
space-time that arises through the coming together
of heterogeneous actors, materials, and sources. How do such
encounters generate entryways to another kind of knowledge?

Through lectures, discussion, and performances,
practitioners of art, science, and activism will consider
their own interrelatedness in these ways of relating.
Do these ways of relating offer new spaces and imperatives
for action?

+ info: https://www.udk-berlin.de/en/research/temporary-research-institutes/dfg-research-training-group-knowledge-in-the-arts/how-to-relate-appropriation-mediation-figuration/


Ageing companions / Geprogrammeerde veroudering / Les cyborgs vieillissants

Ageing companions explores the interconnected ageing of bodies and technologies.

The lifecycles of different species are linked via electronic circuits with limited lifespan: accessories that measure biorhythms or monitor the growth-rate of specimens; interactive medical implants, networked pacemakers or wireless defibrillators are an everyday reality. As minerals, plants, animals, people and machines wear out, the technologies they carry and/or are part of, age as well. The ageing processes of biological and technological merge and it is not always so clear whether we are faced with physical or programmed obsolescence.

The worksession takes place from 17 until 23 June 2018 in the kunstenwerkplaats and gemeenschapscentrum De Pianofabriek, Brussels.

+ info: http://constantvzw.org/site/-Ageing-companions-.html