
Infrastructural Rehearsals Collective @ 2.Dh5: Weaving resistance in times of distress

March 1-2, 2025

Ru Paré, Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam

Red Room

Have you been wondering about the relationship between the global military-industrial complex and genocidal Big Tech? Why should we disinvest from these technologies, and how can we do it? Infrastructural Rehearsals Collective would like to host a discussion on resisting Big Tech infrastructure and the violences of the green economy. Participants are invited to bring questions and propositions through projects they are dreaming of or already involved in. Propositions might include everything from community organising against corporate tech takeovers and land defence, to zine making, de-install parties, or anti-colonial tech.

Participants will share questions, concerns, and practices across our different contexts and struggles. By doing so we establish a mutual commitment to recognizing how these violences, such as massive increases in computational demands, (via AI, chip factories, data centers, autonomous weapons systems) led by a green capitalist agenda are destroying the planet, and that another world without them is both necessary and possible.

Come ready to contribute, as the session will be shaped by those who are in attendance in order to have a conversation across practices, communities, and how these inform the modes of intervention needed.

+ info: https://www.2dh5.nl/en/event/how-can-we-organise-against-the-greenwashing-extractivism-of-big-tech/


The Infrastructural Rehearsals Collective investigates and collaborates on imaginative community-led responses to the climate crisis under fossil-fuel driven racial capitalism today. We make proposals and interventions that challenge top-down hegemonic approaches from green-washing tech capitalists to state-sponsored initiatives. As academics, artists, designers, researchers, activists, organizers and cultural workers we bring our experiences from different fields of knowledge, practices and terrains of struggle (Barcelona, Basel, Brussels, Glasgow, London, and Rotterdam). Together we figure out tools, methods, creative strategies and technologies to build capacity for international solidarity and resistance. While being embedded in a wider network of associated groups and collaborators, the Infrastructural Rehearsals Collective came together through an initiative by the Critical Media Lab (https://criticalmedialab.ch/) and TITiPI (https://titipi.org/). Through this, we look for ways to: share knowledge for climate action storytelling, do bug-reporting on big tech, make toolkits, provide vocabularies or build community infrastructures. Drawing upon Ruth Wilson Gilmore's idea of abolition as life in rehearsal, we look to model “the future from the present” by using our institutional resources towards actively making platforms, generatively problematizing deadly technosocial paradigms, or facilitating knowledge and skills that can be openly shared and redistributed. As Big Tech Cloud abolitionists, we're rehearsing in its ruins, organizing towards a world in which many words fit.


RWM | Altas latencias #3 feat. Ren Loren Britton

So happy to release this new podcast of the Altas latencias (High latencies) podcast series we're producing at Radio Web Macba.

listen: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/podcasts/high-latencies-3/

transcript: https://img.macba.cat/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Ren-Loren-Britton_transcript.pdf

Ren Loren Britton is an artist, researcher, activist, and practitioner whose work focuses on reimagining access, and anti-ableist cultural practices exploring non-normative time, linguistic nonlinear structures, at the intersections of arts, technology and pedagogy holding spaces for diverse temporalities.

Questions around disability justice, trans*feminisms are key terms for the work that they do. In this podcast we delve into 

Radical access

Access riders

Access servers

And the edges of access.

We also think of 

access as feelings, 

access as a mood

a-temporal desire.

We also talk about stretching time 

The slipperiness of the lived experience

trans*disabled lineages

histories of other past(s)

the burden of remembering

the weight of datasets

and unforgetting as an act of caring

Ren Loren Britton also asks how disabled and trans*lineages world-shape their life what it means to organise a caring space safe spaces unsafe spaces braver spaces when no space is fully safe for everyone.

And in-between, we read some excerpts from Ren Loren Britton’s and Constant’s “Collective Conditions”* protocol, to shape and re-imagine other ways of being together.

+ info Altas latencias:  http://altas-latencias.xyz/


Altas latencias: estudio de la presencia con Nerea Calvillo

Miércoles, 22 de enero de 2025 

Auditorio Convent dels Àngel, MACBA, Barcelona 

Nerea Calvillo explora las dimensiones materiales, tecnológicas, políticas y sociales de la polución medioambiental en la intersección entre la arquitectura, los estudios feministas de la tecnociencia, los nuevos materialismos y las políticas ecológicas urbanas.

El aire es un bien común. Pero ¿qué implica tener derecho a un aire limpio? ¿Y tener derecho a respirar? En lugar de un recurso invisible que tiende a la escasez, proponemos pensar el aire como una infraestructura que posibilita distintas formas de vida. El aire produce contaminación, reproducción, desigualdad, redistribución, biodiversidad, extractivismo… Y, como toda infraestructura, está conformado por tecnología, materias vivas e inertes, cuerpos, instituciones, políticas, cultura…

Conversaremos sobre monitorización, control, cuidado y convivencia con la complejidad de las atmósferas que habitamos, entre ellas las del museo. ¿Qué sucede cuando pensamos-respiramos juntes? ¿Hay presencias y corporalidades que quedan excluidas? Imaginaremos infraestructuras aéreas de/para lo común.

+ info: https://www.macba.cat/es/actividades/estudio-de-la-presencia-con-nerea-calvillo/
Altas latencias: http://altas-latencias.xyz


Enby Propagation

 [this is just a fragment]

[full text can be reached here: https://text-collection.hangar.org/en/a-breeding-ground-for-uncertainties/]

We are familiar with techniques like grafting, cutting, layering and sprouting. These are naturocultural linking methods that are always in tension, often pushing the boundaries of what can be named. These are ways of propagating life, fostering shared mutation, cultivating unexpected varieties of interdependent modes of existence, and nurturing non-categorised, non-rigid and dynamic connections. These techniques are familiar to us, to Ona and myself. They introduce us to unexpected forms of bonding by other means. Unexpected forms of kinship, of nurturing, of non-binary parenting when desires align. Propagation of shared, eventually enby (NB)8 life. Co-parenting through the uncertainties of humanness. And that also means embracing and becoming entirely-spontaneous weeds, like the cugula9 that grows in the ditches of patriarchal and productivity-focused enclosures.

Ona’s work calls for the “end of individualized genetic property”. I join this riot against reproductive Modernity, unifier in relational universals; and we loop back to Sophie Lewis: “At what point does queer pose no challenge to property? To what end are we queering motherhood?”10

A Breeding Ground for Uncertainties serves as the most compelling figuration I can think of for navigating patriarchal-colonial contemporaneity. It captures the emphasis of this norm in tension with the thick web of inter-dependencies that surround it, teeming with contradictions and deeply entrenched injustices.

“World-making” differs fundamentally from creating processes for a regenerative justice. One approach assumes a capacity to start anew, often based on a misguided notion of tabula rasa, continuing to tap into the blueprint of the modern project to some extent. Against the backdrop of the flatness of genetics, for example, the praxis of artresearch for a regenerative justice in which Ona Bros participates is committed to restoring and partially repairing while working with what is already there. This approach fosters the generation of relational and supportive tissues, which work as emergent, epigenetic and to a large degree unanticipated alliances.

In opposition to the essentialism and biological determinism of racial, anthropocentric, and ableist capitalism, enby propagation seeks to flourish transcending the liberal humanist concept of the filial11, which positions individual subjecthood as the core of identity and desire.

Ona thus experiences and expresses the collapse of this essentialist regime both against and from within: “with your foot you collapsed the pillars on which the modern world was founded: the autonomous being, the hierarchy of presences, the excuses for plunder”.12

Enby parenting is familiar to us, the regeneration of simple yet non-repetitive nor nostalgic worlds. We are familiar with boycotting the assumption of forms of reproduction grounded in the industrial fiction of verisimilitude and the erasures of dependencies it implies. We are familiar with assisted reproduction in non-technosolutionist terms: reproductive processes are always assisted, because which reproduction is not assisted?13. As Sarah Franklin notes “..reproductive technologies that assisted conception technologies (…), are reproducing much more than children per se.”14 And we echo Sara Lafuente’s question “What does assisted reproduction reproduce?” What culture does it participate in and create?15

We are familiar with a collective political subjectivity if it is more-than-human, more-than-nuclear, but also more-than-familial and certainly more-than-pessimistic, as M Murphy’s notion implies16. Despite multilateral and multimodal collapse, we can continue to invent frameworks for regeneration and enby reproduction that are resistant to rampant TERF anti-utopianism.

New narratives are urgently needed; we owe it to the children of ice and to the adults who grow up with them.

This will require us to call on the communities.
So let us call on the non-genetic uterine lineages,
extra-uterine milk lineages,
chimerical neighbourhood kinship,
home-born monsters,
Equidnas of the socio-technical complex of the now.


Canal Connect 2024 - Mesa redonda 4: Cuerpos mutantes

Ponentes: Manel de Aguas, Jara Rocha, Teresa López-Pellisa
Moderadora: Ana Campillos Sánchez

+ info: https://www.teatroscanal.com/espectaculo/mesas-redondas-canal-connect2024/ 

(fue el pasado 10 de mayo, pero han publicado recientemente el registro del evento:)


RWM | Altas latencias #2 feat. Jose Iglesias García-Arenal

nueva entrega se la serie Altas latencias en Radio Web Macba:


Toma en cenital de las minas de Río Tinto. Cortesía del artista.

El trabajo de Jose Iglesias García-Arenal se posiciona en la encrucijada entre el arte y la militancia ecológica, explorando las tensiones que moldean el paisaje rural desde hace décadas. Su obra, en forma de películas, ensayos y proyectos colaborativos gestionados desde la Plataforma MAL, ofrece una visión crítica de los cambios socioeconómicos y ecológicos que atraviesan regiones como Extremadura. Aquí, el contraste entre tradiciones preindustriales como el pastoreo de ovejas merinas negras y los avances tecnológicos simboliza la lucha entre una visión holística del territorio y las imposiciones de las lógicas eurocéntricas de progreso.

 Su práctica aborda temas como las zonas de sacrificio, territorios dedicados a la extracción de recursos, la producción de mercancías o la gestión de residuos, identificados como «no aptos para la vida». José señala cómo estas áreas no solo transforman el territorio, sino que también colonizan el presente desde futuros posibles, generando una sensación de luto anticipado y desgaste emocional en quienes habitan estos lugares. Es lo que él llama “zonas de sacrificio espectrales”.

En un país como España, donde las zonas rurales han sido históricamente objeto de despojo y marginación, la obra de Iglesias revela los estragos del extractivismo, desde la minería de litio hasta los monocultivos de placas solares. En su análisis, José vincula estas prácticas con procesos históricos de conquista, latifundismo y privatización del campo, mientras explora las formas en que las comunidades resisten y buscan construir alternativas.

En este podcast, Jose Iglesias García-Arenal nos invita a imaginar intersticios de posibilidad donde las resistencias comunitarias, las memorias históricas y el arte se entrelazan para redefinir la forma en que habitamos el mundo. Hablamos sobre tradiciones inventadas, olivos, ovejas, telares y las complejas interacciones entre pasado, presente y porvenir.

+ info Altas latencias:  http://altas-latencias.xyz/


Ren Loren Britton: Sentir-saber-hacer. Tecnorrelatos sin líneas

Ren Loren Britton conversará con Jara Rocha para compartir algunos de sus ámbitos de interés y preocupaciones.

A red bouquet overlay interrupts an image of ripening chillies alive in the garden. Captions in the foreground of the image read “Community Technology”.
Img by Ren Loren Britton

Centrándose en acciones en las que el sentir-saber-hacer se entrecruza con prácticas tecnológicas críticas y en las que la preocupación por la accesibilidad ocupa un lugar central, Ren Loren Britton ofrecerá algunos ejemplos de su investigación artística y hablará de las diferentes relaciones que su obra teje entre la justicia para las personas discapacitadas, la tecnociencia trans*feminista y el saber-hacer como poderosas prácticas para la construcción del mundo.

Actividad relacionada: https://www.macba.cat/es/actividades/estudio-de-la-presencia-con-ren-loren-britton-taller-puntos-deacceso-no-obstaculizados-pluralizar-la-virtualidad/

Más sobre Altas latencias: https://www.macba.cat/es/actividades/altas-latencias/

Más sobre [contra]panorama en MACBA: https://www.macba.cat/es/exposiciones/contrapanorama-epilogo/


Complicit Chips, informal sharing

Sunday, October 6th from 18:00 to 20:00
Jetsesteenweg 388, 1081 Brussels https://titipi.org/wiki/index.php/HQ

Complicit Chips gathers a group of researchers, activists, and artists to explore the complexities of high-density chips produced by NVIDIA.

NVIDIA is an enterprise recently transformed from a mid-sized producer of hard and software for accelerated computer graphics into a self-proclaimed 'world leader' of artificial intelligence (AI) computing. As of 2024, NIVIDA is valued at $2 trillion, surpassing Amazon and Google to be dubbed the 'Taylor Swift tech for investors'. Yet NVIDIA's chips for computing AI are resource-intensive offerings that—alongside game graphics, forest monitoring and medical devices—now include technologies used for policing and militant purposes. NVIDIA's numerous contracts with military agencies such as DARPA and arms companies such as Lockheed Martin are widely known. It's also clear that the their chips are directly and indirectly linked to the development of automated drones used in targeted killings and surveillance (in conflict zones like Gaza, for instance). Simultaneously, NVIDIA's hardware is now found in all Tesla vehicles, powers large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, and exists in the chips of many smartphones. We're looking to reckon with the way that the computing industry is interwoven with both warfaring operations and everyday life. The fact that NVIDIA produces software powered chips that we want for our screens and games, but also are used in the Israel 1 supercomputers matters — a lot. It's worth figuring out how our own actions are intertwined with the issues at hand.

After two days of collaborative community research on the nebulous world of software-operated hardware, we will informally share what we found. Drinks and delicious Syrian vegetarian and vegan food served!

For more details, visit this wiki page summarising the Complicit Chips research session: https://titipi.org/wiki/index.php/Complicit_Chips.


RWM | Altas latencias #1

--> https://rwm.macba.cat/es/podcasts/altas-latencias-1/  



ancho iii

En expo itinerante El cielo las estrellas, comisariada por HAMACA para el Programa Temporals. Centre Cívic Pere Pruna
Del 5 de setembre al 26 d'octubre de 2024.










Zine completo descargable en pdf: https://hamacaonline.net/media/publicacio/ancho_iii.pdf