
2º Render

[Con Mar Reykjavik y Quiela Nuc. El domingo 23 de junio, a las 11:30h, en Madrid (en la boca de metro Marqués de Vadillo, salida Antonio López)]

Desde lo alto del Cerro de las Ánimas, al “otro lado” del río, se obtiene un ángulo desde el que Arganzuela brilla tanto como el sílex que hace miles de años yacía en sus tierras. Su topología vista en conjunto y con el sol de primera hora de la mañana, se asemeja a una de esas masas de arena kinética, tendencia en instagram. Una superficie pulida, simétrica, suave e inerte. Son muy pocos los segundos en los que se puede observar la imperturbabilidad de la arena. En vista satélite son tendentes a ninguno. Pero están los trompos y las fuentes. 

Después, aparece el cuchillo o la navaja tornasolada para descubrir lo soterrado, esas formas de colores que caen como las lascas de la cuarcita recién afilada o que se expanden como los líquenes sobre las lápidas, porosos y resistentes al paso del tiempo, a sus capas: no brilla sólo aquí-ahora.

La arena se desmorona con el corte, caen los relatos hegemónicos y las grietas en la memoria material hacen visible lo errado, el daño, lo no contado, lxs otrxs cuerpxs. El fallo y la falla.

Un derrape en cenital, un estrato en horizontal, una vida no-lineal acotada a un enclave de pago. Economías del entierro cerca de un campo de. Es acaso un render del dónde-aquí.

En esta segunda renderización queremos rajarlo todo en un trozo de mundo para encontrar espacios de lo posible. Y lo haremos en la víspera de San Juan, durante esas horas que permiten romper el pasado y (re)generar una/otra cosa, un/otro lugar. Antes y/o después del cuándo-ahora.

Fecha: 23 de junio (11:30h)
Lugar: Madrid. Boca de metro Marqués de Vadillo (Salida: Antonio López).

Se recomienda llevar líquidos para favorecer la hidratación, calzado cómodo y protección solar.

Recorrido: http://www.injuve.es/sites/default/files/adjuntos/2019/06/recorrido_render2.jpg

+ info: http://www.injuve.es/creacionjoven/noticia/segunda-renderizacion


Volumetric Ecologies: Environments, bodies and mediated worlds / Goldsmiths, U. of London / 14.06.2019

Bringing together researchers, artists and theorists to investigate the implications and possibilities of volumetric imaginaries of environments.
Building up or digging down, simulating more-than-human bodies, imagining new and fantastical volumes or managing resources, volumetrics are continuously figuring and refiguring life and living. From the fossil fuel industry to the so-called creative industries, computational practices are being deployed to imagine and materialise new volumes to exploit and inhabit. Computational arts practices such as 3D Scanning, Rendering and Animation, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have been a significant agent in shaping this volumetric turn. Consequently these new volumetric practices are in relentless dialogue with both the calculation and measurement of environments and the extraction and entertainment industries. This event seeks to explore critical volumetric practices capable of generating new political and affective ecologies and challenging dominant forms of geopolitical and industrial volumetric power.

With this in mind, Volumetric Ecologies brings together researchers, artists and theorists to investigate the implications and possibilities of volumetric imaginaries of environments. As part of the volumetric turn we explore more-than-human immersive technologies and the ways in which they figure environments across an expanded field of practice. The workshop will critically reflect on the agency of computational arts practices as a significant force in shaping the volumetric turn. The evening keynote by Deborah Levitt will explore how the world-building capacities of animation and VR technologies bring into being new forms of cosmotechnics. This two-day explorative forum presents a diversity of perspectives and practices which reimagine and recast the constructs of environment, bodies and mediated worlds through the articulation of volumetric practices.

Hosted by ICE, Computational Arts at Goldsmiths, and in partnership with the Vasari Research Centre for Art and Technology at Birkbeck, University of London. Organised by Helen Pritchard, Rachel Falconer and Joel McKim.

Friday June 14
11.00am - 1.00pm | Volumetric Demo open to public | VR Lab
1.00pm - 5.00pm | Workshop | VR Lab

Demo and research workshop providing an opportunity to engage with current practice and research across the volumetric field. Including work by artists and practitioners Nishat Awan, Marta Di Francesco, Clareese Hill, Hyperbation, Hyphen-Labs, Maggie Roberts aka mer, Possible Bodies: The Underground Division (Jara Rocha, Helen Pritchard and Femke Snelting), Jane Prophet and more tba.

With responses from Maria Dada, Claudia Dutson, Rebecca Coleman, Federico Fasce, Deborah Levitt, Joel McKim, Shela Sheikh, Chaired by Rachel Falconer.

+ info https://www.gold.ac.uk/calendar/?id=12597

Relearn curved. First curl: Rotterdam/Varia

For the Rotterdam control point on the Relearn curve, we propose to together attend to a subject zone (*) where different digital network practices intersect. This subject zone can morph into multiple directions throughout the session. Our specific interest is in how publishing formats (**) operate with/on/through this zone.

* There are many questions in the air when we start to speak about digital infrastructures, hosters, servers, services, networks and their technical realities. Instead of picking one and diving deeper, we thought it would be more interesting to present a range and explore different vocabularies, protocols, technologies, infrastructures. We invite you to join Relearn to stretch this zone, starting from or moving towards:
  • ▝   digital interdependencies
  • ▘   affective infrastructures
  • ▝   homebrew networks
  • ▗   networked entanglements
  • ▖   feminist servers
  • ▖   federated networks
  • ▝   and-and-networks
  • ▚   digital autonomy
  • ▖   transitional infrastructures
  • ▞   digital selves-organisations
  • ▖   so-and-sovereignty networks
  • ▝   out-of-the-cloud thinking
  • ▚   …
** We’re curious about learning through publishing formats. The different publishing formats serve as an invitation to embed ourselves within the subject zone of digital networks. How can these formats be our morphable lenses, that we use to relearn digital networks? Starting from or moving towards:
  • ▝   multiple readers
  • ▖   cross-readings created through algorithms
  • ▞   logbooks
  • ▝   syllabi
  • ▚   documentation
  • ▖   annotations
  • ▝   cookbooks
  • ▖   tutorials
  • ▚   README
  • ▖   bug reports
  • ▗   link dumps
  • ▝   scores
  • ▖   …
Many sub-trajectories can emerge from here during the days, without the need of taking the same path or agreeing about vocabularies or geometries altogether.

+ info: http://relearn.be/2019/
+: http://varia.zone/