
Performative lecture @ Any / One Day the Future Has Died. Impossible Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence

"In the age of Artificial Intelligence, on any given day, at some point most definitely, the Future has died.

The Future, with capital F, seems to be perfectly synchronized, in line and aligned with the global mode of technological production. In this kind of Future in a hyper networked and digitized society, we witness new modes of extraction, monopolizations, surveillance; new types of environmental harm and damages as well as new codes of discriminations and exclusions which bring more climate change-induced provincialization, more competition and individualism. Not only does this model of Future not provide enough space for the many(-folded), its pretension lies in the misreading of the concept itself. Because in contrast to its usual connotation, the Future does not necessarily and always indicate a tomorrow or far away. But, as Michelle M. Wright and Rasheedah Phillips brilliantly show in their works, it is about a radical re-thinking of time and experiencing of temporalities that gives way to a broader and better understanding of stories, past and present, of todays, of tomorrows, of in-betweens (Fred Moten).

futures – without capital F and in their plural form – always also happen now.

With the Impossible Possibilities we think AI with Kara Keeling. We are concerned with the presence of AI, with what goes beyond its expression and produces a surplus that cannot be seen or understood, but is nevertheless present: "Whatever escapes recognition, whatever escapes meaning and valuation, exists as an impossible possibility within our shared reality, however one describes that reality, and therefore threatens to unsettle, if not destroy, the common sense on which that reality relies for its coherence." (2019: 83). What is impossible to recognize is the possibility of AI. For what defies re-cognition exists in a world that is real but not fed into the normative discourse of AI as predictive computation. With this conference, we turn our attention to paradox as a condition of existence that has the potential to shake the common sense of AI.

Impossible Possibilities does not stand for exposing the binary in the conundrum but stands for an invitation for exploring such a  paradox productively."

Full programme and info: https://www.hgb-leipzig.de/hochschule/kalender/1518

Preliminary program (Register: any_one@hgb-leipzig.de).

Please keep Crashing (Workshop Documentation)

With students of Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig
Organized by the Academy for Transcultural Exchange (AtA), facilitated by Anja Kaiser and Melina Weissenborn

[our panel:]

Sedimented Temporalities of Geodigital Landscapes (Panel)
With The Underground Division (Jara Rocha and Femke Snelting) and Orit Halpern
Moderation: Katrin Köppert


Booklaunch | Volumetric Regimes: Material Cultures of Quantified Presence

"Volumetric Regimes makes an essential contribution to the ways in which we must rethink matter politically and ecologically. As the book unfolds, ontological questions of intensities, dimensions, and substance are denaturalised as mere properties of matter that can be measured, modified, and thus computed, which today are exemplified by 3D modelling and parametric design, but are shown to be part of processional life-worlds that relational and mutually informed and informing. Not the partitioning of bodies, particles, datapoints, and spaces as techno-capital and techno-science would have it but a material enmeshment that brings the volumetric into presence otherwise." Susan Schuppli

This radical multi-form collective investigation traces the cutting edge of how bodies and subjects are rendered technologically. It proposes multi-dimensional forms of intervention, and claims an experimental horizon of the possible, shattering the mantra of unavoidability.” — Olga Goriunova


To download the pdf and/or order a paper copy on-line: 



Six years of trans*feminist disobedient action-research on 3D technologies, paradigms and procedures culminated in Volumetric Regimes: Material Cultures of Quantified Presence (Open Humanities Press 2022, DATA-browser series, eds. Geoff Cox and Joasia Krysa). Compiled by Possible Bodies (Femke Snelting and Jara Rocha), the publication brings together diverse materials on the political, aesthetic, computational and relational regimes in which volumes are calculated. The book foregrounds technological practices that invite widenings of what is possible. With contributions by Sophie Boiron, Maria Dada, Pierre Huyghebaert, Phil Langley, Nicolas Malevé, Romi Ron Morrison, Simone C. Niquille, Helen V. Pritchard, Jara Rocha, Sina Seifee, Femke Snelting and Kym Ward.

Tuesday 4 October 20:00 – 22:00 @ Varia, Rotterdam (NL)

The event at Varia celebrates the wiki-to-print paper edition designed and developed by Manetta Berends. It is a special moment in an ongoing multi-local launch, made up of playful contributions, informal responses and interactive formats proposed by comrades in the making of technosciences otherwise.

The evening starts with a performative introduction by the editors, followed by an intervention by designer, artist and researcher Alex Zakkas in conversation with Manetta Berends.

Books will be sold at the event at a reduced price.
All materials have also been published on a dedicated wiki: https://volumetricregimes.xyz/

Volumetric Regimes is produced with support from London South Bank University and Liverpool John Moores University.

(pic by Varia https://varia.zone/archive/2022-10-04-Volumetric-Regimes-booklaunch/)


Elefants dins l'habitació | Ecoles de Context | La Capella

Escoles de context és un programa d’estudis que posa l’èmfasi en facilitar recursos formatius, línies d’investigació i espais de trobada a disposició de la comunitat artística de la ciutat. Així, l’objectiu de “fer context” mitjançant la pràctica es reformula com un dels eixos vertebradors de La Capella, donant peu a una sèrie de subprogrames estables dedicats a la performativitat de la veu, la textualitat, la cultura LGTBIQ+, la noció de llibreria i el mateix autoaprenentatge institucional.

Com a prova-pilot, Escoles de context inicia les seves dinàmiques el pròxim mes d’octubre, assajant temporalitats, ritmes i intensitats diverses que, a la vegada que posen sobre la taula certs atributs contextuals inherents a la pràctica artística emergent a Barcelona, possibiliten també una revisió i posada en crisi constant del model institucional, tant a escala d’infraestructura com humà, que defineix La Capella. Els grups d’estudi de les Escoles de context s’adrecen a la mateixa escena artística, establint dinàmiques de proximitat amb grups petits i regulars que només s’obriran al públic quan la situació ho requereixi.

El grup de persones que conformen Escoles de context són Enric Farrés Duran, Alexandra Laudo, Daniel Gasol, Marc Vives, Laia Estruch, Jara Rocha, i amb les següents línies d’investigació:

PUBLICACIONS - La llibreria de La Capella

A cura d’Enric Farrés Duran

TEXTUALITAT - Branca, arrel, brot, tija

A cura d’Alexandra Laudo

VEU - Escola de veu

A cura de Laia Estruch i Marc Vives

CULTURA LGTBIQ+ - Transmaricabollo

A cura de Daniel Gasol


A cura de Jara Rocha:

La xarxa de dependències infraestructurals on succeeix el dia a dia de les estructures institucionals també és cultura, i defineix pràctiques artístiques. Aquesta escola es planteja com un espaitemps en què atendre les continuïtats i discontinuïtats, herències i prospeccions, latències i potències que configuren el context tècnic, burocràtic i semiòtico-material, i amb què els centres d'art es constitueixen. En sessions d'estudi intrainstitucional, conversant i documentant a partir de close-readings d'infraestructures, eines, protocols i literatura grisa, La Capella s'exposa a un procés de coneixement del medi en què existeix el centre d'art.


+ info e inscripciones: https://www.lacapella.barcelona/ca/escoles-de-context-1